Happy Solstice to you. We have had very similar, but lesser, problems where live. John ended up producing a map of where our line for the engineers which they were very grateful for. They were generally wonderful but didn't think much of their management. Most of the problems could have been solved by rerouting the line a more straight forward route which probably would have saved them a lot of money in the long tem but of course they always had to go for the short time fix. Luckily we have a reasonable mobile signal. Broadband lthrough the landline was awful so my son in law fixed up a broad band router with a mobile supplier. It came to the point where John was the only one using the landline so we've scrapped it completely

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Hi Louise, does indeed sound similar. I too had to draw asketch map of our underground cable, for NRW. I was surprised they didn’t know, as they are the land owner- well, not quite. The Welsh Gov. Took on responsibility for the Forestry Commission Wales’ land holdings and gave NRW the management but I guess its all still crown land in the end. Why BT didn’t supply them with a full set of plans is an interesting mystery. No planning permission required either. Have a good seasonal celebration. Hwyl!

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Ours is complicated for historical reasons. It comes up the road to the farm entrance below us then goes along their drive, under ground below the high power voltage lines. Then it goes through some wild tangled woodland to the farm above and then down to our house going underground below the power lines and then coming through a tree before reaching us. All the junctions were prone to getting wet and or iced too so we generally had a bad line in wet weather. Like you i was surprised BT didn't have a map. Ditto with Dwr Cymru. They didn't have a map of the water mains and had to come out to check that we really weren't connected. The nearest main is a couple of fields away. All the houses above get their water from the electricity board and the farm next door has a spring. We get ours from a stream

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Ok, I think you win the prize for most epic, ridiculously complicated connection, Louise! Remarkably, I went up into the woods the other day, passed our last telegraph pole before our line goes undergroound (pole13A...) and found a full reel of fibre optic cable there and Lo! our pair of twisted copper wires is about to be replaced by full fibre! Though I'm going to wait till it actually happens before I get too excited...Hwyl!

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Happy Solstice and general festive season best wishes to you both. Looking forward to reading more E.S.P. in the new year.


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And the same to you two, too! Look forward to seeing you sometime!

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We hear you down the valley!

And also agree with you wholeheartedly about getting rid of old stuff! Two sheds full and I know the second we have a clear out, the lights will go off for good and I will curse getting rid of that coil of Ethernet, that dusty radio and the ancient books on homesteading and permaculture gardening! Haha

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Imagine you had 7 acres to store stuff on and 36 years to do it....seriously, if you need a driver to move stuff, you know where I am!

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