A variety of things, events, experiences have coincided to keep me away from writing recently-
a surprising (for us) number of dry-ish days with scraps of sun means more sustained work has been possible outside
a growing awareness of the approach of winter with its usual promise of wet and cold hence the need to get some things sorted reasonably sharpish
living in a still unfinished home
the approach of my birthday and the feeling that I am indeed getting older and need to pace myself somewhat
above: winter fuel, better than money in the bank.
Obviously, some of the above are a bit contradictory so compromise has been important. Busy days outside means tiredness in the evenings, so rest and read rather than write. Shrinking daylight hours means less solar energy, our only source of electricity at present, hence sometimes its just not been possible to recharge laptops.
above: here’s a “before” picture, from Designing for Fire. How not to do it! Highly flammable plastic sheeting door and corner.
above: highly flammable plastic sheeting corner replaced by slightly less flammable cedar cladding. The original cladding has had ten years of weathering making for a striking contrast, except for the recycled pieces on the new bit! Now we need a door…
Pah! Pathetic excuses perhaps, though with some justification. In the days of deep fake, photos no longer prove the reality but here are some anyway. I rest my case and my back.
Take care all. Konsk coming shortly and then possibly the Great Volcano. Hwyl! Chris.
PS. I still can’t find out how to put links into notes (does anyone know how?), so once again fall back on a standard Post.